Linnemann Lecture Series
Timothy Linnemann (Class of '91) was a Biology major at Colorado College, an outdoorsman, environmental activist, and a member of the EnAct student group.

During the summer between his junior and senior year, 1990, Tim went to San Francisco to take a course in genetics at Berkeley. His younger brother joined him there and they took off on a camping trip on the way back to Colorado College. In southern Nevada, Tim died in a car accident. His friends from Colorado College gathered at his home in Cincinnati for his funeral, and, on returning to school, planned a memorial garden as a quiet study area and outdoor classroom between Shove Chapel and Olin Hall, dedicated to his memory. Andy Fahlund, Steve Miller and Kai Kauppi among others, were instrumental in making this happen.
Tim's parents, Calvin and Patricia Linnemann, and his sister and brother, Cathy and Mark Linnemann, established the Timothy C. Linnemann Memorial Lecture on the Environment "in memory of Tim's lifelong interest in the environment and his love of Colorado College." This is given each year in conjunction with Earth Week. A dinner is held at the time of the lecture to bring together students and faculty who are involved in environmental activities at Colorado College
List of lecturers who have given the Timothy C. Linnemann Memorial Lecture on the Environment:
Year | Speaker |
Interest |
2024 |
Ramón Cruz |
The Movement for Climate Justice: Recent Successes, Threats, and Urgency |
2023 |
Meriwether Hardie ‘09
Communities, Food Systems, and Conservation: Learnings from working with land and people around the globe |
2022 |
Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer |
The Honorable Harvest: Indigenous Knowledge For Sustainability |
2022 |
Dr. Ivette Perfecto |
Agroecology in the American Tropics including both Ecology and Social/Environmental Justice |
2019 |
Dr. Diana Liverman |
Climate Change and Sustainable Development: how can we limit global warming, reduce climate risks, and achieve global goals for development? |
2018 |
Dr. Julian Agyeman |
Just Sustainabilities: Re-imagining e/quality, living within limits |
2017 |
Jenn Vervier |
New Belgium: Brewing up Corporate Social Responsibility for over 25 Years
2016 |
Elizabeth Kolbert | The Sixth Extinction |
2015 |
James Balog | The Art of Chasing Ice |
2014 | Dr. Jane Lubchenco | National and International Policies: What Works and What's Broken? |
2013 |
Andrew Fahlund |
Resurrection: The Elwha River and the Past, Present, and Future of Restoration in the American West |
2012 |
Winona LaDuke |
Economics for the Seventh Generation: The Environment, Economics and Thinking Beyond Empire |
2011 |
Dr. Dan Chiras |
The Monkey Trap: Can the Human Race Survive the Human Race? |
2010 |
Annie Leonard (Dec. 3, 2009) Captain Paul Watson (April 22, 2010) |
The Story of Stuff
2009 | Dr. Robert Bullard | Environmental Justice For All |
2008 | Dr. Edith Widder, Director of the Ocean Research and Conservation Association | Secret Lights in the Sea: The Underwater World of a Deep Sea Explorer |
2007 | Dr. Timothy Killeen, Director of NCAR | The Future of Planet Earth and Its Inhabitants: Our Imperfect Crystal Ball |
2006 | Dr. Lyn Margulis, University of Massachusetts | Our Misnamed Planet: Evolution in this Watery World |
2005 | Dr. Wes Jackson, President of The Land Institute | The Necessity and Possibility of an Agriculture where Nature is the Measure |
2004 | Dr. Sylvia Earle: "Her Deepness", Marine biologist, oceanographer |
Sustainable Seas: The Vision, The Reality |
2003 | Dr. David Foreman: Founder of Earth First! and Director, The Wildlands Institute | Rewilding North America |
2002 | Dr. Vandana Shiva: Director, Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology | Earth Democracy |
2001 | Mr. Andrew Fahlund: Director American Rivers | Restoring our Dammed Rivers |
2000 | Dr. Marilyn Waring: Professor, Massey University | Counting for Something - Valuing the Environment |
1999 | Mr. Floyd E. Domini, former Commissioner Of the BLM, and Mr. David Wegner, Director Glen Canyon Institute | Drain Lake Powell?? |
1998 | Dr. Carolyn Merchant: Professor of Environmental History and Philosophy University of California, Berkeley |
Environmental History and Philosophy |
1997 | Mr. Ed Marston: Publisher, High Country News | Public Land and Natural Resource Issues |
1996 | Ms. Catherine Sneed: Director, The Garden Project | Agro-Economist |
1995 | Dr. Philip Fearnside: Professor, National Institute for Research in the Amazon | Rainforest Biology |
1994 | Dr. Helen Caldicott: Founder, Nuclear Policy Research Institute | Physicians for Social Responsibility |
1993 | Mr. Randy Hayes: President | Rainforest Action Network |
1992 | Ms. Winona La Duke | Native American Women's Network |
1991 | Mr. David Phillips | Earth Island Institute |